FLOORS DEPOT in Vancouver is proud to offer a vast selection of high-end commercial-grade flooring options to suit your needs. Our commercial-grade flooring products are the perfect solution for concrete basements, areas that constantly have high traffic, and large open spaces. Commercial grade flooring is offered in a number of options such as; heavy-duty carpet tiles, hard surface vinyl, and industrial grade laminate. FLOORS DEPOT is qualified to install commercial-grade flooring in custom spaces. Commercial Grade flooring is ideal for busy offices, retail shops, hospitals, schools, and high traffic hallways.
Our commercial-grade flooring installation in Vancouver is heavy-duty and long-lasting making it the perfect solution for areas that are constantly being walked on. FLOORS DEPOT also takes care of fitting and installing these large-scale projects so you can rest assured it is done correctly. We have many environmentally friendly and sustainable design options to offer you at competitive prices. We are always happy to provide you with a quote for your commercial-grade flooring.