Vinyl is a fantastic and popular choice among synthetic flooring materials. Combining durability, aesthetics, and moisture resistance at a low cost. For modern homes, luxury vinyl plank or vinyl tile flooring are two popular forms you might find vinyl flooring in.
While vinyl flooring is very easy to clean and maintain, sometimes cleaning can be more challenging. When troublesome stains and spills take place, you need to make sure you clean properly to avoid damaging the floor.
One of the most annoying substances to find on your vinyl floor is glue! Sticky when wet, over time glue, can dry onto your floor and adhere strongly to the planks. Finding some leftover glue on your floor is normal after installing vinyl plank flooring. Getting glue off can be frustrating and a little tricky, but following this guide should get you out of any sticky situations.
What You’ll Need
Here are some items which you should have on hand to deal with glue spills:
Dry microfibre cloth
Plastic scraper or putty knife
Spray bottle
Choice of solvent: nail polish remover(acetone), or glue solvent/adhesive remover
Bucket of warm water
Luckily, most likely you will already have most or all of these around your house and ready for use!
Acetone is a good bet for most glue cleanup jobs. However, if you’ve spilt super glue or something else exotic, you might need a heavier-duty solvent. If this is the case, the adhesive remover is your best bet. By using the type of glue, you should be able to find an appropriate adhesive remover.
3 Solutions For Removing Glue From Vinyl Flooring
We’ll cover removing glue on a case-by-case basis, from easiest to the most difficult.
Wet Glue
As is the case for most stains and spills, it’s always easier to deal with when wet instead of dried residue. Glue is no different! If you catch the spill while it’s fresh, a damp microfibre cloth and a plastic scraper should be sufficient to remove all of the glue. Don’t try using a paper towel to remove the wet glue, as pieces of paper can become stuck and make the mess worse!
Dried Glue
Unfortunately, we don’t always catch glue when it’s. Dealing with dried glue is a little trickier, but it can still be done! You will either need to use acetone(nail polish remover) or a special adhesive remover to remove dried glue from vinyl. If you do use a special product, ensure you follow the instructions for a good outcome.
If using acetone, start by applying a small amount to your microfibre cloth and rubbing it into the glue. Continue to rub gently until the glue finally softens. Once the dried glue is soft, work your plastic scraper in at the edges to remove it. You may need to apply a little force, but don’t apply any downward pressure on the vinyl planks, as this might damage them. Once you’ve removed a piece of glue, continue softening the other parts until you’ve finished and all of the glue is gone. If excess acetone residue remains after removing the glue, mop it off with a damp cloth.
Super Glue
Removing super glue or other special glues can be tricky. It’s worth trying the same treatment above, using acetone. If acetone can’t soften the glue, you’ll need to move on to a more powerful adhesive remover. Again, it’s important to follow the instructions closely for whatever product you select to avoid damaging your floor or endangering your health.
Once you’ve found a product that can soften the glue, simply follow the instructions above to remove the rest of the super glue.
While getting glue on your vinyl floor is certainly annoying, it isn’t a disaster. The key is to be patient and slowly soften and dislodge each piece of dried glue until your floor is clean. This way you avoid any damage to your floor and safely remove all of the glue. It’s important to never apply downward pressure to your floor using the scraper, and also to wipe any nail polish remover or other liquid away once you’ve finished your work.
Hopefully, this guide has been useful in unsticking yourself! If you’re truly in a bad spot with any kind of stain, it’s a great idea to reach out to the manufacturer of the product or a vinyl cleaning specialist for advice.